Quick Apply
Integration used for jobs where apply_method is easy_apply_endpoint and the number_of_questions_allowed is 0. Only the email, the full name and the Partner Attributes contained in the Job Search response are required.
- x-api-key: Token that is given to the partner to be able to use the API, and it must be added in the request headers.
Example Request
Note: Check the /easy-apply documentation and remember to add in the headers the x-api-key.
"applicant": {
"email": "{{email}}",
"fullName": "{{fullName}}",
"phoneNumber": "{{phoneNumber}}",
"resume": {}
"get_person_token": 1,
"enqueue": true,
"job": {
"jobId": "{{job_id}}"
"partner_attributes": {
"sponsored": true,
"redirect_apply": "https://jobs-univision.apploi.com/view/468036?utm_campaign=integration&utm_medium=job-board-search&utm_source=<utm_source>-boosted&ajs_event=LOAD_JOB_PAGE&ajs_aid=3f617530-4530-11e9-a2ca-7e775511d9e3&ajs_prop_search_fetch_id=efb330ceef1b44e3b07328adae1b1ccd&ajs_prop_keyword=&ajs_prop_page=1&ajs_prop_city_center=Unselected&ajs_prop_search_order=5&ajs_prop_job_id=468036&ajs_prop_doc_type=preferredjob&ajs_prop_job_location_lat=39.3798123&ajs_prop_job_location_lon=-74.5302804&ajs_prop_boosted=1&ajs_prop_utm_source=<utm_source>-boosted&ajs_prop_utm_medium=job-board-search&ajs_prop_utm_campaign=integration",
"utm_medium": "job-board-search",
"utm_campaign": "integration",
"keyword": "",
"search_fetch_id": "efb330ceef1b44e3b07328adae1b1ccd",
"page": 1,
"order": 5,
"city_center": "Unselected",
"utm_source": "<exploratory>-quick-apply-boosted",
"source": "<source>-apply"
"questions": {
"answers": [
"id": "{{question_id}}",
// Numeric values for questions with "MultipleChoice" type answers must still be strings.
// These numeric strings represent the numeric value assigned to the given multiple
// choice option in the list of possible options.
"value": "1"
"id": "{{question_id}}",
// Values for answers of type "Text" can be any string.
"value": "Evenings after 5pm works best for me"
"id": "{{question_id}}",
// An array of strings is used for answers of type "MultiSelect".
// Once again, the numeric values which represent the different options must be
// specified as numeric strings.
"value": ["0", "3", "7"]
Request explained
Parameter | Value | Description |
get_person_token | 1 | Flag used to request a candidate JWT token, which will allow you to request some candidate information. Check Other useful endpoints |
enqueue | true | |
resume | JSON Object | The resume is optional, to check the entire structure go to /easy-apply |
Example Response
"developer_message": "Submit Successful",
"errors": [],
"info": {
"person_id": 32424609,
"bearer_token": "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6MzI0MjQ2MDksInJvbGVzIjpbImFwcGxpY2FudCJdLCJleHAiOjE2MTMxNTgxMjF9.vQuM-HDaPliAW53RO0f99Ti9px6dOnIY_nBJAU4F-K0",
"job_id": "598551"
Status Code Response
- 200 (Successful): Return the application info and token.
- 409 (Conflict): if there is a duplicate application already in our system.
- 410 (Gone): The Apploi job is no longer available to accept applicants.
Updated 6 months ago