Job Search

Use the Job Search API to submit job searches, industries list, cities list, and return results.


  • x-api-key: Token that is provided by Apploi. This is needed to be able to use the API, and it must be added in the request headers.

Job Search

Used for retrieving all the jobs that match the specified criteria. Check all specifications for /jobs/search.

Request example,-73.874&location_filter=1&page=1&radius=50&source={partner_name}&utm_source={utm_partner}&searchbar=nurse

Note: Remember to add in the headers the x-api-key.

Request explained

languageenAllowed values en (English) or es (Spanish), used to indicate the language used to search.
location40.777,-73.874Geolocation Point, Used to find jobs close to this point, within the radius range as defined by the radius parameter.
location_filter1Allowed values 1 or 0, if the parameter is 1, a distance filter is applied to return only jobs within the radius parameter.
radius50Radius distance in miles from the location coordinates
source{partner_name}Parameter necessary to identify the partner making the request.
utm_source{utm_partner}Identifies which site sent the traffic. It helps to identify the origin of the application, this can help to understand where the applications come from.
city_centerNew+YorkThis parameter is only informative and can be used to group analytics

Response example

"data": [ {
            "job_type": "Full Time",
            "name_es": "Enfermera práctica con licencia (LPN)",
            "company_logo_url": "",
            "hidden": false,
            "city": "Brookhaven",
            "description": "<p>Welcome to the <strong>...",
            "industry": "Healthcare",
            "source": null,
            "team_id": 37320,
            "doc_type": "preferredjob",
            "apply_method": "full_apply_endpoint",
            "uid": "468003",
            "external_url": null,
            "id": "468003",
            "state": "New York",
            "job_code": "bellhavencenter-468003",
            "preferred": true,
            "address": "110 Beaver Dam Rd, Brookhaven, NY 11719, USA",
            "number_of_questions_allowed": 2,
            "brand_name": "Bellhaven Center",
            "backfilled": false,
            "published": true,
            "aggregated": false,
            "number_of_questions": 2,
            "name": "Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)",
            "location": {
                "lon": -72.9334145,
                "lat": 40.7715761
            "description_es": "<p>Bienvenido al&nbsp;<strong>...",
            "published_date": "2021-01-29",
            "order": 1,
            "redirect_apply_url": " York&ajs_prop_language=en&ajs_prop_jobseeker_location_lat=40.777&ajs_prop_jobseeker_location_lon=-73.874&ajs_prop_search_order=1&ajs_prop_job_id=468003&ajs_prop_doc_type=preferredjob&ajs_prop_distance=49&ajs_prop_job_location_lat=40.7715761&ajs_prop_job_location_lon=-72.9334145&ajs_prop_boosted=1&ajs_prop_utm_source=utm_partner-boosted&ajs_prop_utm_medium=job-board-search&ajs_prop_utm_campaign=integration",
            "partner_attributes": {
                "sponsored": true,
                "redirect_apply": " York&ajs_prop_language=en&ajs_prop_jobseeker_location_lat=40.777&ajs_prop_jobseeker_location_lon=-73.874&ajs_prop_search_order=1&ajs_prop_job_id=468003&ajs_prop_doc_type=preferredjob&ajs_prop_distance=49&ajs_prop_job_location_lat=40.7715761&ajs_prop_job_location_lon=-72.9334145&ajs_prop_boosted=1&ajs_prop_utm_source=utm_partner-boosted&ajs_prop_utm_medium=job-board-search&ajs_prop_utm_campaign=integration",
                "utm_medium": "job-board-search",
                "utm_campaign": "integration",
                "keyword": "nurse",
                "search_fetch_id": "394f44dc0aff4ee6ae469221e8934ee8",
                "page": 1,
                "order": 1,
                "city_center": "New York",
                "utm_source": "utm_partner-full-apply-boosted",
                "source": "partner_name-apply"
            "questions_url": ""

Response explained

Field NameValuesDescription
apply_method- redirect.
- easy_apply_endpoint.
- full_apply_endpoint.
If you don't want to use the Apply Integration you need to use the redirect_apply_url to allow applicants to apply to the job on an Apploi application page.

If you need use the apply integration:

- redirect: Indicates that the job is not an Apploi job and should use the redirect_apply_url.
- easy_apply_endpoint: indicates that you should use Quick Apply
- full_apply_endpoint: indicates that you should use Full Apply
number_of_questions_allowed- Integer- 0 For apply_method redirect or easy_apply_endpoint
- > 0 For full_apply_endpoint
preferred- true
- false
- true If the job is sponsored.
- false if the job is not sponsored.
redirect_apply_urlstringUrl where the person can apply to the job.
partner_attributesJson ObjectIf you need use the apply integration you need to check Partner Attributes
questions_urlstringUrl to get the job questions when the job has the method_apply equal to full_apply_endpoint.

Industry Search

Return the list of industries in English and also in Spanish with the number of jobs available in each one. Check all specifications of /jobs/industries.

Request example,-73.874&radius=50

Note: Remember to add in the headers the x-api-key.

Response example

    "data": [
            "en": "Other",
            "es": "Otra",
            "count": 10096
            "en": "Vet/Animal Services",
            "es": "Veterinaria/Servicios animales",
            "count": 4

City Search

Return the list of cities. Check all specifications of /jobs/cities.

Request example,-73.874&radius=50

Note: Remember to add in the headers the x-api-key.

Response example

    "data": [
            "city": "New York",
            "state": "New York",
            "state_abbr": "NY",
            "lat": 40.7127753,
            "long": -74.0059728,
            "amount_jobs": 6338
            "city": "Brooklyn",
            "state": "New York",
            "state_abbr": "NY",
            "lat": 40.6781784,
            "long": -73.9441579,
            "amount_jobs": 535


About searching by job_id

If you include the job_id parameter in your searches the results will contain only a single document. If there is no record matching the requested job_id the response payload will be empty.